Presenting…Eugene Francis Jr

The man above is one Eugene Francis Jr, who has just released his debut album The Golden Beatle in the UK. He’s touring England (surely he couldn’t have forgotten those of us in the Celtic fringe!) and for those of you lucky enough to be able to go and see him, on the evidence of this track alone, it might well be worth checking him out.

Eugene Francis Jr -‘Beginners.’ mp3

Jun 20 2008 21:00
ESQUIRES Bedford, South

Jun 21 2008 21:00
Forum Tunbridge Wells

Jun 22 2008 21:00
Rescue Room Nottingham

Jun 23 2008 21:00
10 Feet Tall Cardiff

Jun 24 2008 21:00
Fibbers York

Jun 25 2008 21:00
Bar Academy Oxford

Jun 26 2008 21:00
Club 85 Hertfordshire

Jun 27 2008 21:00
Bar Academy London

Jun 28 2008 21:00
Cockpit III Leeds

Feedback, as ever, is always welcome…

It’s a lovely spring here in Scotland, and so it’s time to make cliches while the sun shines.

What better than this, while even my hayfever hasn’t yet kicked in to annoy me?

Rockers Delight -‘Walking On Sunshine (Extended 12″).’ mp3

Garage Rock ‘n’ Roll revisited

Back in 2002, as NME readers wore badges proclaiming that they were ‘heroes of the new rock revolution’ it briefly seemed that a garage rock revivial was going to change the world. Franz Ferdinand were still fermenting their plans, The Futureheads were a hip secret, and the tabloids had yet to wake up to Pete Doherty.

These three tracks are great ones, and deservedly made the Festive Fifty of that year. I’m not sure that subsequent records matched up to these; the Datsuns got caught up in making sub-Led Zeppelin tributes, the Von Bondies became more famous for a spat with the White Stripes’ Jack White and EMB-LD just went off.

So, no, I don’t know what they’re up to, but these tracks are still capable of putting a smile on my face.

Von Bondies – ‘It Came From Japan.’ mp3 (2002 Festive Fifty no.30=)

The Datsuns – ‘In Love.’ mp3 (2002 Festive Fifty no.21)

Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster -‘Celebrate your Mother.’ mp3 (2002 Festive Fifty no.46)

Shameful Confession #2

For anyone who doesn’t understand how some bands go unheard, never mind the issues of mainstream and media saturation…it was so much harder before the internet.

Thus, while yesterday I ‘fessed up to the fact that I hadn’t got dance music for many years, today it is time to admit that Spacemen 3, those masters of Gospel-drone-psychedelia (or whatever) were a band I hadn’t heard ’til pretty recently.

Sure, I knew the name, I have quite a bit of Spiritualized’s stuff, and kept meaning to. But it didn’t happen until…uh, last week I could finally say I had heard more than one or two tracks. Jason Pierce (now of Spiritualized) and Sonic Boom clearly paved the way for some amazing stuff, as well as being damn important themselves.

So, in order that you don’t make the same mistake, here are two excellent tracks:

Spacemen 3 -‘Lord Can You Hear Me.’ mp3

Spacemen 3 -‘Hypnotised.’ mp3

There is a really great fan site here

Why was I so obstinate about dance music?

The older I get, the more I’m proud that I have stuck true to many of the values I held in my teens (thirty one and counting, since you ask). I’m still veggie, would rather buy vinyl than CD, am still left-wing, and proud that I teach in a comprehensive not a private school.

So why the heck was I so damn conservative about dance music for so many years? Why was I so rockist?

The reality is that dance music, rather like indie, is such a broad church that the label increasingly means less and less with every year that passes.

As time went by, acts like Portishead, Massive Attack (who were responsible for my favourite song of the last twenty years ‘Unfinished Sympathy’), Leftfield, Orbital, the Orb, Daft Punk, The Chemical Brothers…and many others told me not to be so foolish. And when I discovered the DFA label, it bought a new understanding to me, finally enabling me to understand that ghettoisation was not necessary.

And finally, I have been led, my interest piqued by the famous Simon Reynolds, to check out Joey Beltram. These two tracks are regarded as classics. Nearly twenty years after they came out, I think I finally understand why.

Joey Beltram – ‘Energy Flash.’ mp3

Joey Beltram – ‘Mentasm.’ mp3

Joey Beltram’s MySpace


Nozzle is the band led by Dave Blomberg, some time guitarist with New Model Army. On this track, ‘Complicated’ they remind me of that strand of rock that never seemed to quite have a name per se, and got lumped in with goth in the eighties. It’s not jangly, it’s simple without being folky, and epic without being overblown. Good, melodic rock.

Oh Sod the labels, this is a great track, and one I think you should hear. For fans of the aforementioned Army, The Church, The Mission, and the Levellers. It stands on it’s own, and I can’t wait to hear more.

Whet your appetite here:

Nozzle -‘Complicated.’ mp3

Nozzle’s website/Myspace

Presenting…Rose Kemp

What would you expect Rose kemp to sound like, if I told you that she was the daughter of Maddy Prior and Rick Kemp from Steeleye Span, the legendary British folk band? Well, once you would have been right, and she did once make an album of accapella folk singing with her mother. But she’s signed to One Little Indian, and kicking a serious amount of behind.

One Little Indian, bless their hearts, tipped me off about her…and on the evidence of this track, I’m glad they did. One for those who like their rock loud, angry and sounding intelligent, without self-indulgent.

Give this track a listen. And as ever, let me know what you think!

Rose Kemp -‘Nanny’s World.’ mp3

Rose Kemp’s MySpace

The 500th post

The Cure in 1980, circa Seventeen Seconds, their sophomore album which gave this blog its’ name.

Well, here we are, twenty-two months later, the five hundreth post.

Quite a few interviews done (and several still to be written up), a lot of music reviewed, a bit of ranting, and some nice words in the Guardian. It’s been a labour of love at times, but I’m grateful to the support I’ve had from readers, friends and family (not that these are necessarily mutually exclusive), and particularly the wonderful Mrs. 17 Seconds. She has waited patiently whilst I grappled with technology, for that five minute post that has turned into an hour, shared the frustration, and been as supportive as anyone could wish. When we met the Vinyl Villain in Glasgow a couple of months back, he quipped: ‘So what’s it like being married to an obsessive, then?’ to which she replied: ‘Well, everyone’s obssessive about something, aren’t they?.’ When I started this blog, we had yet to get cats…or even get married. Life, eh?

Some of my friends have asked if the blog’s raison d’etre is to publicise new scottish music. This is only part of it, but it’s definitely a part of it:

Bricolage -‘Our Fire’s Electric.’ mp3

I’ve also enjoyed posting weird and wonderful, well-known and painfully obscure covers, and this is probably unlikely to stop. Hell, I’ve heard a lot of stuff since I started this. But it’s also enabled me to focus on stuff I loved before, too:

The Slits -‘I Heard I Through The Grapevine.’ mp3

This seems to be the most-downloaded track from the blog:

Primal Scream – ‘Velocity Girl.’ mp3

Many thanks is due to fellow bloggers who have put in links to this site, mentioned me, left feedback and got me in the position that I seem to get several people reading this blog per day. Whilst I would love this to increase, it’s nice to know that just because only a handful of people leave responses, people are still reading it. There’s too many people to thank, but heck, you know who are you, and may you have a nice glow inside for the rest of the weekend.

Should I focus on just one type of music? Well, no, my record collection doesn’t and I don’t see why the blog should. I’m actually rather proud that the blog has featured stuff including classical, jazz, hip-hop, disco, death metal…oh, and a fair bit of scottish indie, too. I’ve done a lot of posts relating to stuff that John Peel championed, and by way of very humble tribute, I’ve tried to keep alive in my own small way a highlighting of new music, and unsigned acts. But I despise snobbery, and I don’t see why I shouldn’t mention bands that are established and successful.

Anyway, enough of my ramblings. I’ve posted this before, but as it’s the song that gave this blog its’ name, it’s only fitting I should post it again. It’s lasted longer than the club night I ran of the same name.

The Cure -‘Seventeen Seconds.’ mp3

Album Review: Times New Viking

Times New Viking – ‘Rip It Off.’ (Matador)

Calling Times New Viking noisy is rather like saying bands on Sarah records are twee or that thrash metal bands are too loud and too damn fast. It suggests an aesthetic equivalent of not being able to see the wood for the trees, to coin a cliché.

Because Rip It Off is a very noisy album. Quite honestly, I haven’t got a clue what they’re going on about on a lot of the tracks. But you know what? It doesn’t matter. Not. One. Iota. Over the course of sixteen tracks in about thirty minutes (you DID read that right) this is a sheer joy to listen to from start to finish.

The press release mentions Robert Pollard, Stephen Malkmus and Richard Hell. To me, it reminds me of Yo La Tengo jamming with early Sonic Youth playing the Moldy Peaches LP. And like that Moldy Peaches LP, will some of the songs might appear like little sketches, they do seem fully formed (unlike the way, say many Hip-Hop albums seem to be making up the space with skits or Damon Albarn’s rather half-baked Democrazy LP.

I’ve played this album several times since it arrived. I know that some folks won’t get it. But it’s here, taking no prisoners and having an excellent time of itself.

Why pussyfoot around? Get stuck in!

Rip It Off is out now on Matador

Times New Viking -‘Drop Out.’ mp3


still here. been off school for two days fighting the ‘flu and trying to write reports. There are only so many variations on ‘Your child is doing fine’ i can come up with’ and only so many polite ways I can rephrase ‘your child brings out right-wing tendencies I didn’t know I had…they are most likely to end up in jail.’

…I haven’t abandoned the music either, but check out any of the ones in the right hand link. Don’t forget me, there will be more music soon. Especially with the 500th post imminent!

Do yourself a favour, though. Get Santogold’s album. It is amazing.

Love and hugs,

Ed Seconds XX