Right…I cannot claim to be first off the mark with this one – indeed I’m something of a Johnny come lately. However, checking through my emails today has paid off.
When White Denim released their debut album Workout Holiday it was described by Uncut magazine as being ‘a party record for thinking people.’ This seems like a pretty accurate description to me. The band are: James Petralli on vocals and guitar; Joshua Block on drums and Steve Terebecki on vocals and bass. The band hail from Austin, Texas and what I love here is the inventiveness of what almost be described as avant rock – where the intelligence of Shellac meets the party spirit of Mudhoney and the rip it up and start again adventure of Times New Viking. The band’s sophomore album is called Fits. This is already out in the UK on Fulltime Hobby and will be out in the US later this month on Downtown.
This has already been a single:
White Denim -‘I Start to Run.’ mp3
White Denim -‘I Start To Run.’
White Denim -‘Mirrored and Reverse.’ mp3
From last year’s Workout Holiday:
White Denim -‘Shake Shake Shake.’
White Denim website/White Denim Myspace
More legal mp3s here
White Denim website/White Denim myspace/White Denim on Last FM