Aaron Fyfe – ’10 Songs.’ (Tentman)
The debut album from young Scotsman Aaron Fyfe is definitely a grower. Over the last couple of months since the album dropped on the doormat here, it’s had quite a few plays. No mean feat for someone who is as weary of singer-songwriters as your humble scribe is.
With a title like 10 Songs, what you see is what you get. Co-produced by Teenage Fanclub’s Francis MacDonald, amongst others, there’s a nice warming feel from the album. And if early songs on the album like former single ‘Campfires’ seem a little dark for starting off the album with, respect to him for not simply making it easy.
Over the course of the album, the mood lifts a little, rather like someone who’s coming to terms with things and starting to see a way forward. In a world of over-produced and over-played singer-songwriters (too many to list), there’s a sense of honesty and back to basics with the acoustic pop on offer here.
Whilst this isn’t an amazing debut, it definitely shows promise, both as a songwriter and performer.
10 Songs is out now on Tentman.