Album Review – Trashcan Sinatras

Trashcan Sinatras -‘ In the Music’ (Love-Five Records)

The return of Glaswegian band the Trashcan Sinatras is something to celebrate. It’s been five years since their last album, Weightlifting. Whilst they’ve never been the most prolific of bands – this is their fifth album, nineteen years since their debut, Cake – the quality control they operate is particularly high. Listening to this album, they seem to form a perfect link between the sublimity of The Blue Nile and the classic, well-toned songwriting of Teenage Fanclub, the latter also nineteen years on from their debut album.

Since Weightlifting, the only track to surface has been their collaboration with author Ali Smith on the song ‘Half An Apple’ from the Chemikal Underground album, Ballads Of The Book, which saw scottish bands collaborating with scottish writers. Smith’s lyrics form the lyrics for the fine title track. Family interests come in on ‘Should I Pray’ – vocalist and rhythm guitarist John Douglas is the partner of legend Eddi Reader, who is the sister of singer Frank Reader. Not only that, but that track features vocals from none other than Carly Simon.

With songs like ‘I hung my harp upon the willows’ melting even the most hardened heart, the domesticity prevalent in the background has not softened these men, but shown that contentment can poduce beautiful songs too.

However long album number six takes, lads, don’t rush it, it’ll be worth the wait when it’s ready.

Trashcan Sinatras website/Trashcan Sinatras Myspace

Trashcan Sinatras -‘Oranges And Apples’