The Shop Assistants do seem to generate a lot of interest when I post them here, as indeed they should.
I took a friend round Edinburgh today for record shopping, and he bought both the Shop Assistants 12″ singles I posted at the end of last week (see! Blogs help people buy music, not prevent it). Then I got home to discover that Tom who writes this fantastic Shop Assistants page that is essential if you’re at all into the band had sent me both tracks from the flexi disc that came with the Box Set of the ‘Here It Comes’ single.
Despite my best efforts, I have yet to get my hands on this (that’s a heavy hint to those nice people at a certain record shop in Edinburgh) but I post it here courtesy of Tom. Thank you, kind sir.
Shop Assistants -‘You Trip Me Up.’ mp3 (yes, the Jesus and Mary Chain track)
Shop Assistants -‘The Other One (live).’ mp3 (Not aware of this in any other form).
Oh, does anyone have the song ‘Respectable’ the stones song that they covered? Please?!