It’s been a good weekend, and I’ve got lots of stuff done.
However, I figured it was time for something a bit different on this blog.
Adapted from a couple of CD-Rs that I made up a couple of years ago, Seminal Sounds CD-R 1 and er, Seminal Sounds CD-R 2, here are six tracks that I figure did a hell of a lot to change the face of music.
A Guy Called Gerald -‘Voodoo Ray.’ mp3
The Human League -‘Being Boiled.’ mp3
BBC Radiophonic Workshop -‘Doctor Who(Original Theme).’ mp3
Missy Elliott-‘Get Ur Freak On.’ mp3
Aphex Twin-‘Windowlicker.’ mp3
Billie Holiday-‘Strange Fruit.’ mp3
I shouldn’t need to post long justifications about these. Let’s just say, the first three tracks are milestones for electronic music, the Human League being one of the coldest things I have ever heard, whilst -in a completely different way, the Doctor Who theme is one of the warmest. Missy Elliott and Aphex Twin uped the ante, and deservedly got NME writers singles of the year for their tracks, whilst the Billie Holiday is haunting beyond belief, in a way that leaves Suicide, Nico and The Doors way, way behind.
If you like what you hear -and I believe you should -go check them out, via Amazon or iTunes, or better still, an independent shop.
These mp3s will be up for a week. Enjoy.