Hey, it’s Friday, it’s been a good week, and I’m in the mood for sharing so here are some fantastic covers for you all.
First up, I heard Camera Obscura doing this live earlier this year, and it blew me away. They really DO make this their own song.
Camera Obscura -‘Super Trooper (Abba cover).’ mp3
Electric Light Orchestra are one of those bands that seem to be considered beyond naff, and yet…there’s something quite nice about their songs in small doses. Or in this case, in the hands of the much-missed Delgados (RIP).
The Delgados -‘Mr. Blue Sky (ELO cover).’ mp3
I know very little about this cover, exvcept that The archies were a TV show before I was born, and this was no.1 back in about 1969 -but it’s kinda cool, and I’d love to know where I can hear Mary Lou Lord’s cover of the Bevis Frond’s Lights Are Changing, too.
Mary Lou Lord -‘Sugar Sugar [from the Archies].’ mp3
You get to hear a lot of music when you write a blog. You also get the chance to hear a lot of stuff that you’ve been searching for for ages. These two songs were things I had put out pleas for-and ended up in my inbox extremely quickly. Thanks. These were originally recorded for an album for Northern Ireland called ‘Peace Together’ when the province was a lot more troubled. I love the Peter Gabriel original and also really like Pop Will Eat Itself’s take on it (Gabriel’s stuff with Genesis was mince though). While I quite like a lot of the Police’s stuff (though their solo stuff leaves much to be desired in a certain case, Mr. Sumner) I was never a big fan of this song, until I heard Therapy? do it.
Pop Will Eat Itself -‘Games Without Frontiers (Peter Gabriel cover).’ mp3
Therapy? -‘Invisible Sun (The Police cover).’ mp3
There are some great Arcade Fire covers dowing the rounds, I posted their version of Guns Of Brixton earlier this year. This is their take on Bowie’s Five Years.
Arcade Fire -‘Five Years (David Bowie cover).’ mp3
Morrissey was quite passionate about many bands over the years, and famously covered Suede’s early b-side ‘My Insatiable One’ (again, if you know where I can get hold of this, please get in touch) before most people had even heard of Suede. He also bigged up James years before they broke big (although it’s long been rumoured that ‘We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful’ was a dig at them). This song -the b-sde to his ‘Pregnant For The Last Time’ single -was a cover of a Bradford song.
Morrissey -‘Skin Storm (Bradford cover).’ mp3
Speaking of seeking out covers…I’d made a plea for this earlier this week and got this, plus another Tori cover into the bargain..
Tori Amos -‘Smells Like Teen Spirit (Nirvana cover).’ mp3
Tori Amos -‘Happpiness Is A Warm Gun (The Beatles cover).’ mp3
Finally. This song (and if I really, really need to spell it out it’s ‘There Is A Light That Never Goes Out’) is possibly my very favourite cover version ever. I’ve no idea what Morrissey -or indeed any of The Smiths think of it – but it’s fab in my eyes (or should that be ears?)
Schneider TM -‘The Light 3000.’ mp3
As always, if you like what you hear, please go and seek it out (it should go without saying that I do not hold the copyright and these are here for sampling only) by supporting the artists involved, preferably through your local record shop!