An excellent site…and some more of what’s coming up here


Midas Fall…one of several interviewees who should be appearing here soon. Honest!

As well as writing 17 Seconds (which will celebrate its’ fourth anniversary next month) I also contribute to an online Scots magazine called Is this Music?

I started to contribute not long after I started the blog, and whilst some of my reviews and interviews appear in both places there are those that don’t. So do check it out. It’s overseen by one Stuart McHugh, who has also been involved in running Tigerfest in Scotland since 2004, as well as being behind podcasts and gig promotion. Do check it out, and if you want to read more of my writing on there, you can.

There are, as ever, plenty of albums I want to write about, interviews that need to be written up (Midas Fall is written up, eagleowl, Sparrow and the workshop and Kid Canaveral still to be done!) and new bands that I want to cover. there is only one of me, a day job and other commitments so…please bear with me!

Keep it tuned -for now check out Silver Columns who are a collaboration between Adem and Johnny of the Pictish Trail. I first heard them on Vic Galloway a few weeks back; they have just released a great album combining their talents called Yes and Dance, which sounds great.

Silver Columns -‘Heart Murmurs.’ mp3