Album Review: TV On The Radio

TV On The Radio -‘Dear Science,’ (4AD)

TV on the Radio have now been recording for five years and this is their third full-length album proper, following on from 2004’s Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes and 2006’s Return To Cookie Mountain. So how have they handled that difficult third album?

…Only by making the best album of their career so far, that’s how. The previous two albums have involved excellent art rock (it makes perfect sense that they’re signed to 4AD, perhaps the artiest record label ever -and that’s meant as a compliment). Whilst some accusations that the previous two albums were more to be appreciated than loved seem a little…harsh, the fact remains that TV On the Radio have done that rare thing: they’ve managed to produce the most accessible album of their career so far, without that having to involve compromising. And that’s no mean feat.

Because the sound is still fascinating, the vocals still the right sort of impassioned, but the funk has arrived, and different elements are on here, and manage to sit side by side and work.

From the opening track ‘Halfway Home’ to closer ‘Lover’s Day’ this is an album that grabs you on first listen and doesn’t let go. If there is any justice, not only will this album clean up in the end of year polls, but it will also prove to be their commercial breakthrough. Surely their time is now.

TV On The Radio -‘Halfway Home.’ mp3

TV On The Radio -‘Lover’s Day.’ mp3

TV On The Radio official website/ TV On the Radio myspace