In Edinburgh this week


I was sernt an email by Bart Owl of the rather fine eagleowl about this gig two days ago. He’s helping organise this fundraiser show for Shelter Scotland, the housing and homelessness charity.

Apologies for not writing about this sooner, this does look pretty bloomin’ excellent. I will make no excuses, just advise you to get along if you can.

Should you need more encouragement…

Presenting…My Tiny Robots


My Tiny Robots are a band I have been aware of for a while, but my ears have seriously pricked up (er, so to speak) with the arrival of an mp3 in my inbox.

The Edinburgh-based band have so far issued two EPs: Some of My Best Ideas’ and ‘Rock Bossa Nova Four Beat Black’ the latter from where the free mp3 comes from. Starting in October they will be releasing a series of three singles and this is a precursor to that.

What I love about MTR is the way that they show ‘anthemic indie’ and ‘experimental’ need not be mutually exclusive bedfellows.

This track is awesome; joining not just my ‘best of scottish playlist’ but also my ‘best of 2011 playlist.’ Give this a listen; you will want to hear more.

My Tiny Robots – Rock Bossa Nova Fourbeat Black by Soundandvisionpr