As pants the heart for cool(ing) streams…

How did it take the record companies so long to figure out that they could let people hear the music in full (without those bloody adverts) without people not going and buying the records?

No doubt there is software that (illegally) allows people to rip it, but to be honest, I think what most people would liek is the chance to hear the record before it comes out without either a) wasting their money or b) picking up bugs or c)getting cease and desist notices.

Anyway, lots of great albums streaming around the net at the moment, starting with this, the new album from the Arctic Monkeys. It sounds like a return to form to these ears (not that Humbug was all that bad, really…). There is no doubt that the album cover looks rubbish (and let’s face it, it looked a bit stupid when Hard-Fi pulled the same ‘trick’ a few years back) -but don’t let that put you off the album.


If you’re so inclined there’s a guide from lead Monkey Alex Turner on the album right here on

You can also stream the following albums via at the moment:

Battles Gloss Drop

Death Cab For Cutie’s Codes and Keys

White Denim D

Antlers Burst Apart

Introducing…White Denim


Right…I cannot claim to be first off the mark with this one – indeed I’m something of a Johnny come lately. However, checking through my emails today has paid off.

When White Denim released their debut album Workout Holiday it was described by Uncut magazine as being ‘a party record for thinking people.’ This seems like a pretty accurate description to me. The band are: James Petralli on vocals and guitar; Joshua Block on drums and Steve Terebecki on vocals and bass. The band hail from Austin, Texas and what I love here is the inventiveness of what almost be described as avant rock – where the intelligence of Shellac meets the party spirit of Mudhoney and the rip it up and start again adventure of Times New Viking. The band’s sophomore album is called Fits. This is already out in the UK on Fulltime Hobby and will be out in the US later this month on Downtown.

This has already been a single:

White Denim -‘I Start to Run.’ mp3

White Denim -‘I Start To Run.’

White Denim -‘Mirrored and Reverse.’ mp3

From last year’s Workout Holiday:

White Denim -‘Shake Shake Shake.’

White Denim website/White Denim Myspace

More legal mp3s here

White Denim website/White Denim myspace/White Denim on Last FM