As promised…it looks set to be a bumper year for 17 Seconds Records.
There are quite a few 17 Seconds Records-related gigs taking place in Scotland and Ireland over the next few months, see our myspace page for more details. In January alone, the Dirty Cuts and the Wildhouse are playing live on the same bill with each other back to back in Glasgow and Dundee, X-Lion Tamer is playing in Edinburgh (a free gig, no less), Aberfeldy will be playing in Dundee, and Escape Act are tearing up five counties in Ireland.
The Dirty Cuts will release their first single ‘2 Page Spread’ on download on January 25, with the 7″ to follow, and they have gracioulsy allowed us to make the b-side available as a free download:
The Dirty Cuts -‘Lips.’ mp3
The following week, as announced, the Factory Kids will release EP1, with EP2 to follow later on in the year. All being well, February will see the re-issue, digitally of the first two Wildhouse LPs, Hyenas and Poet:Saint. Their third album, Jackson ’56 will be released later this year.
March will see the release of Chris Bradley‘s sophomore album At the Outpost, likely to be preceeded by another single (watch this space, as they say). We are also going to re-issue his debut, Voices, in remastered form, later on this year.
As for the first three acts we signed, let them not be forgotten either: Escape Act have finished recording sessions with the famed producer Andy Miller (Sons & Daughters, Mogwai and Delgados, amongst others) and are mastering their sophomore album, Aberfeldy have just two more songs to record for thier third album and X-Lion Tamer is also working hard in the studio. he has been tipped as one of Vic Galloway’s Scottish artists to watch in 2010!
Phew, rock’roll…
We should also be on Spotify any day now, we have a Last FM Page, and more than 5,000 friends on our myspace, so we are getting the word around.
Want to hear more mp3s of our acts? check here at our website.